5 weeks into Michaelmas and what have I achieved? Nothing much. At least nothing academically, sadly to say. Is it normal to be finding myself picking up the pieces which I have left behind while attempting to stay on par with everyone else? I hope it is. Being booked out this Sunday doesn't help. Guy Fawkes fireworks on Friday evening, Bicester (!!) for the whole of Saturday and uni mates' house-warming on Sunday evening. How am I supposed to schedule studies in?! I really dislike the idea of sacrificing more sleep when I think about the intensity of my dark circles. They are the worst. Ever. Grah!! Damn you internet for letting me do endless window shopping! Damn me for my non-existent self-control from surfing the net. :(
I have been trying to find a solution for this though. In the form of a list. I know how much I love love LOVE striking off the points of my list. It works from time to time, but distraction occurs and hence procrastination seeps through. But on a brighter side, it's working better than it used to so I shouldn't be discouraged about all of this and work it out. :)
Ok more on updates. I have settled for Microeconomics, which is quite manageable as for now (though I still picking some things up). My timetable is pretty cool as my Thursdays are officially empty and my only Wednesday lecture is recorded!! Yes I know, it's quite ironic that I'm still lagging behind even though I have 2 weekends in a week. Oh well. First few weeks of Michaelmas was basically spent packing and cleaning the house. I'm so glad my housemate and I came up with a roster. It gives me one less reason to put academics on hold. Like now, I should be studying instead of blogging.
I guess I'll be burning some midnight oil tonight :(