Saturday, 13 November 2010

Week 6

Though this week has yet to end, I've reached a pre-conclusion that it has been crazily busy and pretty much unpredictable. From getting disappointing looks from my a couple of my tutors to catching Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows Part 1 WORLD premiere (must emphasise on how grand it was) red carpet event to spending Friday night coming so close to getting drunk (at home- one step closer to a typical uni student?) and so much more. Everything was sort of planned but the outcomes were completely random, which was extraordinarily fun and different.

Harry Potter red carpet event was madness. I found out about it last week and asked my house-mate if she wanted to join me, which she did. & I'm glad she did because she went kind of all-out with all the cast spotting, picture taking and being part of the crazy crowd behind the metal bars... if you know what I mean. The thought of it may be quite childish and a turn-off(troublesome), but being part of it was fun! Especially when you're physically close to the cast who you have been seeing on the screen for years. The excitement you get makes it all worth it. Oh yea need I mention housemate bonding as well? It's not something that you can do everyday but it's definitely something you'll remember and will be able to reminisce about. :D

We've got some shots of some of the casts! I shall name them by their characters in HP (that's how I recognise them sadly...)

But before that, the venue. It was drizzling initially, which changed to a heavy rain.

We made acquaintance with the security guard on the right :)

Fred and George!!

Fred/ George? Both of them spent the most time walking around, signing, shaking hands and taking pictures with fans.

Neville! I used to dislike him when he was young and short...

Luna Lovegood. Wow I couldn't recognise her at all. She looks so much older.

V-V-Voldermort. Looks good with nose, no? ;)

Va-va-voom Bellatrix. Real person looks as eccentric as the character.

HAHAHA MRS WEASLEY. Classic. She looks older in person as well.

We did manage to see 2 out of the 3 main casts- Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. Unfortunately we were in the process of shifting position hence we missed out... but we saw them in quite a way. :D

I've told myself to not spend too much on this post as I really have to get started on my virgin Law essay. Omg how do Law students hurdle from essay to essay? The amount of reading is crazy and the amount of writing is even worse. But then again, case readings can be really enjoyable. Anyway before I end this post, my best end to the week/Saturday: I achieved the highest grade for my Microeconomics quiz!! 8D *nerd (sadly greeted with C+ for accounts essay shortly after- what a bummer.)