Sunday, 9 October 2011

Michaelmas Term week 1, year 3

It's funny how I refuse to start my post-hiatus entry with the usual "it's been a long time...". I was just about to start off with that phrase but held back and had an internal debate on how I should start off with the post. Should I just jump into the main content (not like I have any...)? Or should I start with describing how much I miss blogging? & before I know it, I have started the entry. :)

As always, it feels weird to start writing again. I did think of moving to tumblr since it is very visual and... new. However I just could not bear because part of me wants to remain loyal to my beloved itswrittendown.blogspot. My very first post here was dated on 26th November 2005. I am not sure if it is silly to actually feel attached to my blog. Like, am I having a relationship with my blog?!

Moving on.

Year three has started. Modules are definitely much more difficult now (damn it). The pressure to land myself in a Graduate job is building up as each day passes by. Deadlines are supposed to be by the end of this month or the next. I have completed... zero? Well I am in the middle of one right now, just that I was caught position-less under the responsibilities section. Not impressive. I am glad that I have at least something to add on since last Friday. It was not the position that I was vying for but something is better than nothing right? :D

I am supposed to be more pro-active this year than my previous two (more like non-existent). I am not sure how that is going to work out... we shall see!