Thursday, 2 December 2010

December snow

View from the window in my room :)

Hahaha poor car. I was wishing that it'll snow really heavily overnight because it'll be nice to build a snowman for once! I really want to build oneeeeeee. (This was taken from the kitchen window)

It looked kind of similar to the previous photo but it's different. It's supposed to show the marginally thicker snow that has fallen on the ground.

As mentioned in the previous couple of posts, it has been snowing here! The main highlight for waking up today was to see how much of snow has accumulated on the ground. It was not as thick as a couple of years back when it snowed really heavily but it still looked wintery nonetheless! Plus it kept me indoors (UO sample sale is going on + FCUK Grazia deal- 20% off!! One day only) because the thought of balancing on the slippery ground puts me off. I managed to finish my Econs essay in the afternoon yey! I'm quite chirpy now because my tutor is nice enough to accept it even though I handed it in late :D Hehhehheh :D :D

Next up, Accounts essay. Ganbarou~